Friday, February 29, 2008

Entry 2

Oral Stage--

Definition: "The oral stage is the first stage of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, lasting from birth to 18 months. According to Freud, the mouth is the primary erogenous zone through which pleasure is derived. The major conflict issue during this stage is the weaning process, during which the child is forced to become less dependent upon caretakers. A fixation at this stage can result in problems with dependency or aggression." (

I was a biter. Everytime I saw something that was new or unusual I would pop it in my mouth and CHEW! My teeth as well as tongue had to grasp the concept of the thing I was discovering. This was the way I, along with so many other infants, chose to learn the ways of the world. But I might have bitten too much. As an adult, and especially after learning about fixations and their later problems, I have realized that I always need to have something in my mouth to chew on (be it a pen or gum, etc...). My fixation as a child probably promotes this pleasure principle within me on an unconcious level.

Not only that, but I think biting, and that level of agression as a child, has helped me with anger issues today. I guess I got them out when I was younger, so I no longer am as aggressive or physical as used to be. The oral stage worked to my benefit in this case.

Anal Stage--

Definition: "The anal stage is the second stage of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, lasting from age 18 months to three years. According to Freud, the anus is the primary erogenous zone and pleasure is derived from controlling bladder and bowl movement. The major conflict issue during this stage is toilet training. A fixation at this stage can result in a personality that is too rigid or one that is too disordered." (

As a child in this stage, my parents we very open and relaxed with regards to potty training. They would let me go whenever, wherever and only led me to the toilet later on in this phase. I have never been very organized or super-punctual, and my late developments in the anal stage are probably precursers to this. I tend to forget things, and am disordered in general life, which reflects just how I was trained to go pee or poop: in a "whatever" manner. Oh well!

Phallic Stage--

Definition: "The phallic stage is the third stage of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, lasting from age three years to six years. According to Freud, the genitals are the primary erogenous zone and pleasure is derived from genital stimulation. The primary conflict at this stage is a desire to possess the opposite-sex parent. Completion of this stage results in identifying with the same-sex parent." (

I don't particularly remember this phase of my life, but I do know that it happens. My cousin, when he was little, used to sit in his yard, naked, and fondle himslef for hours. This didn't involve any sexual arousal and it wasn't intended to be inappropriate, but he was just curious about his genitalia, and something gave him pleasure, or else he wouldn't have done that.

I do, however, remember being really close to my mom at this stage. But it wasn't due to a desire to want her in any way, it was just a feeling of competent protection that she gave me that made me so attached. However, it did fade with the years, as it should normally.

Latency Stage--

Definition: The latency stage is the fourth stage of Freud's psychosexual development theory. It is a period of relative calm where sexual and aggressive drives are less active and there is little in the way of psychosexual conflict. It lasts between the age of six to and sometimes through puberty. The primary focus of desires is other people (friends and the opposite sex).

In kindergarten, during my early latency stage, a group of my friends and I would go into an oversized tire and play "the kissing game" where the boys would try to kiss the girls, and we got pleasure from each other's... company. All through elementary school my life was about socializing and getting to know other tykes on the playground (who cared about academics or other pleasures?!). And whoever had the most friends was the most populer, right?! It was all about other people and there wasn't much psychosexual activity going on (unless it was in the tires. Just joking--).

Genital Stage--

Definition: "The genital stage is the fifth and final stage of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development that begins during puberty. During this stage, the individual develops a strong interest in the opposite sex. If the other psychosexual stages have been successfully completed, the individual will develop into a well-balanced, warm, and caring adult." (

Apart from the tire incidents (which weren't sexual at all), my attraction towards th opposite sex really developed during the past few years of my life. Ever since the start of puberty (which I know I am still going through) I have been more and more interested in girls. I have had girlfriends to help satisfy that desire, and I think it has been healthy for me (because girlfriends keep guys in line by controlling their pleasures and helping them foster an important relationship). Although I am not quite through with this stage yet, I do believe I will turn out fine due to my experiences and way of life up until the end of the psychosexual stages.


"Psychosexual Development." theoriesofpersonality/ss/psychosexualdev.htm

"Oral Stage", "Anal Stage", "Phallic Stage", "Latency Stage", "Genital Stage" (Pictures). Making the Modern World. 02.TU.04/?section=12

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Entry 1

New Latin, from Latin, it
: one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives.
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

Freud's concept of the id, although not uneiversally or widely accepted today, is still very intriguing, and in my life it plays a large role in everything that I do. My id is definitely mostly in charge of my thought processes when it comes to making decisions about everyday things. I have learned to cope with its strength during these times, and I have realized that because of its power over me I have become a very laid-back and almost lazy person. Nevertheless, I do get things done, and I know when to set my priorities straight.
When it comes to skipping a class that I know I will be able to miss without any consequences, my id will take over and I will do it. This is unlike my friend who rationalizes missing class and says that even though we may not NEED to go, we should just to "get into college" (even though I know that isn't the case). I just can't be bothered most of the time, and that is definitely an "id thing".
I am too preoccupied with pleasing my basic senses, needs and drives, and this is where my "I could care less about certain things" attitude kicks in. If I really don't want to eat something, I won't, and my id will overpower my ego which says that I should eat because I am hungry. I know it may not be healthy, but my tastebuds get the glory in the end. Although, in times of stress and extreme anxiety my desires do not always play out, and my ego/superego do go for the gold and usually convince me to do the right thing, like study before a big exam instead of watch a movie, or go to SoEx instead of sleep in. However, I like the person my id has shaped me to be: not overly concerned about things or afraid to take risks.

\ˈē-(ˌ)gō also ˈe-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural egos
New Latin, from Latin, I
: one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality.
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

The ego is the second most important part of Freud's three-part structure of personality in my life. As Freud famously put it, "Where id was, there ego shall be." (BrainyQuote). This statement is all so true in my life, for when my drives and natural instincs don't suffice at certain times, my ego takes over, never usually my superego. My ego, like most other peoples, helps in rationalizing what my id and superego put foreward as extremes. Although I may not listen to it a lot of the time, it has helped me from getting into trouble or hurting myself multiple times. It has also helped me realize consequences (both positive and negative) of actions I will/have taken, and how these actions will/have played out in reality.
For example, when I was sick a lot at the beginning of the school year (adjusting to the bacterial climate of India) I went to the dish. I HATED IT THERE! At the end of my stay I didn't ever want to go back. However, a few months later, when I got sick again, I was in a state of anxiety (due to my id and superego clashing), and my ego resolved the conflict:
ID: Don't go back in there. Just wait it out and take some advil and you will be fine.
SUPEREGO: WHAT!!! You are puking and you feel disgusting. Go to the dish NOW, sicko!
EGO: You hate the dish, but you need to get better. So go to the dish to get the necessary drugs for your illness, and then you can get better on your own outside of the dish.
And it was that easy! I was feeling better in a few days, and it was all because of my ego sorting out the many thoughts rambling through my head, and rationalizing them for my benefit.
Because of this, I know my ego will never intentionally harm me. My id and superego, on the other hand, could (if my drives led me to do something I regretted, or the black/white nature of my superego prevented me from doing something that was necessary for me, personally).

\ˌsü-pər-ˈē-(ˌ)gō also -ˈe-(ˌ)gō\
New Latin, translation of German Über-ich, from über over + ich I
: one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is only partly conscious, represents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and a sense of guilt.
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

Personally I am not a big fan of the superego. I am not going to lie... And by what Freud says about repressing taboos, I don't think he was either. This is the part of my personality that prevents me from doing things against the grain, contrary to societal norms, and guilt-free. This is the part of the personality that told people of the Victorian Era to "keep sexuality behind closed doors because it isn't socially acceptable" and what caused people to repress emotions and decisions based on these basic desires. Now, I think people have other things they don't do because of the superego (and some of these are understandable). But to be afraid to show or express a part of you that could be beneficial or fun to the world because of it is the superego going out of control, and it's not healthy (especailly in todays culture when so many things are accepted and appreciated by so many different people).
The superego may bring out the best in our moral logic, like not skipping class or eating someone else's food, because we were brought up with these beliefs and standards. Just today my ego told me not to yell at someone when I was angry because in the context and surroundings it would not have been appropriate. But it also stifles personality, and that's why it barely wins over my conscious mind when I make decisions. If I want to wear tie-dye boxers to school, even though most people would think that is weird and not socially acceptable, I am going to because I fell like it and because I am confident enought to not care what others think if I do.
This may not be true, but the superego, to me, is what is most prevalent in the choices of people who are more insecure than others about doing certain things. These people end up falling back on "social morals" or "peer acceptance" which are upheld by the superego, and do what they have always done instead of doing what their urges tell them to do. I must say, though, that sometimes what your urges want isn't what is always "right" or "good" (like killing someone), but in those EXTREME instances people should sensor their ideas and decisions with the superego or the ego, at least. But taking risks and having new experiences are part of growth and a healthy lifestyle, and most of those choices don't come without straying from the superego.

"Id", "Ego", "Superego". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
Freud Quote. BrainyQuote.
"Id, Ego, Superego" (Cartoon). Cartoon Stock.
"Freud's Model of Personality" (Diagram). Kheper. freuds_model.jpg